如正在舉行的台中媽祖國際觀光文化節,即將到來的 大坑蝶螢嘉年華、世界自行車日在台中、海線地區觀光推廣活動... 🤩
道地小吃如 大腸包小腸、珍珠奶茶、肉圓、米糕、排骨酥湯等均馳名中外,一定要找時間到逢甲夜市、豐原廟東夜市、第二市場等大快朵頤.
Taichung, with its mild climate and rich variety of activities throughout the year, is a perfect destination for any traveller. 🤩
From the ongoing Taichung Mazu International Tourism and Culture Festival to the upcoming Dakeng Firefly and Butterfly Carnival, World Bicycle Day in Taichung, and tourism promotion events in the coastal area, there's always something to see and do.
Whether you're interested in nature, history, culture, or sports, Taichung has something to offer everyone. 🤩🤩🤩
Be sure to indulge in the local delicacies, such as the famous Taiwanese Sausages with Sticky Rice, Bubble Milktea, Ba Wan, Sticky Rice Topped with Minced Pork, and Crispy Pork Rib Soup, among others.
A visit to the Fengjia Night Market, Fengyuan Miaodong Night Market, or Taichung Second Public Retail Market is a must for any food lover. 🤤🤤🤤
Don't forget to pick up some local treats like sun cakes, taro pastries, pineapple pastries, and buttery pastries to bring back home to share with friends and family. Your trip to Taichung will surely be complete with these experiences!
Can't wait to visit Taichung?🤪
Discover the must-see attractions and must-try foods at the upcoming MATTA Fair. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the best of Taichung! ✨
Source from: Taichung City Government Tourism Bureau